COVID-19 – Anticoagulant Services Clinical Guide

NHSE&I have published a Clinical guide for the management of anticoagulant services during the coronavirus pandemic – as part of […]

COVID-19 – Drug Monitoring Guidance

The NHS Specialist Pharmacy Service have published Guidance on management of drugs requiring monitoring during COVID-19 – supported by background advice […]

COVID-19 – Smoking Cessation Services & Advice

The UK Government & Public Health England have highlighted that emerging evidence from China shows smokers with COVID-19 are 14 […]

COVID-19 – Renin-Angiotensin System Drugs

A BMJ Editorial on Drugs and the renin-angiotensin system in COVID-19 published 02/04/20 includes the following advice about decisions on […]

COVID-19 – NICE Rapid Guidelines & Evidence Summaries

NICE have updated their collection of COVID-19 Rapid Guidelines & Evidence Summaries – The collection [available HERE with all content […]


Alphabetical List of COVID-19 Guidelines & Resources See also COVID-19 – Professional Resources & Guidance Based on Specialist Pharmacy Service […]

COVID-19 – Educational Resources

e-Learning for Health e-LfH have developed & published a comprehensive suite of educational resources for Healthcare Professionals engaged in managing […]

COVID-19 – Critical Care Medicines Demand/Supply Management

In order to manage additional demand for medicines in critical care and anaesthesia during the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, the Royal […]

COVID-19 – BTS Guidance Collection – Asthma Exacerbations

The British Thoracic Society have published COVID-19: information for the respiratory community – a collection of guidelines & information sheets […]