Electronic repeat dispensing toolkit

Electronic repeat dispensing (eRD) is an integral part of EPS, which offers many extra benefits over paper repeat dispensing and repeat prescribing.

NHS Digital have recently published an Electronic Repeat Dispensing Toolkit, available at which contains useful tools. You can also sign up for some eRD webinars to find out more. The toolkit includes an e-learning package, developed by NECS in conjunction with NHS Digital which can also be accessed through the NECS Medicines website.

Lamotrigine – is it safe to take while breastfeeding?

This updated Medicines Q&A evaluates the available evidence for the safety of lamotrigine in breastfeeding mothers

NECS Medicines Optimisation Newsletter November 2016

The Medicines Optimisation newsletter is a collection of news articles which have all recently appeared on the news feed on the NECS Medicines website https://medicines.necsu.nhs.uk.

You can also sign up for RSS updates which deliver news articles straight into your inbox when they are published on the website, and follow us on twitter @necsmedicines for regular updates and links to useful information.

Q&A How can you minimise the risks of medication errors with buprenorphine patches?

Transdermal buprenorphine patches are widely prescribed and available from a variety of manufacturers. A number of patient safety incidents have […]

High Strength, Fixed Combination and Biosimilar Insulin Products: Minimising the Risk of Medication Error

A new document has been posted on the NECS MO website.
High Strength, Fixed Combination and Biosimilar Insulin Products: Minimising the Risk of Medication Error. This is a briefing document which summarises the current guidance and recommendations on ways to minimise the risk of medication errors with newer insulin preparations.

Fosfomycin 3g Sachets – Updated product information

Fosfomycin is a broad spectrum antibiotic, used for the treatment of lower UTIs due to ESBL (extended spectrum beta-lactamase) producing […]

Retigabine (Trobalt®) product withdrawal

Retigabine (Trobalt®) is to be withdrawn from the market in June 2017. This product is being discontinued because of limited and declining use. A letter for healthcare professionals outlines advice for healthcare providers to begin seeking alternative treatment for affected patients, and to withdraw treatment with a gradual dose reduction over at least 3 weeks. No new patients should start retigabine treatment.

MHRA safety alert -Citalopram: suspected drug interaction with cocaine; prescribers should consider enquiring about illicit drug use

When prescribing selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), prescribers are reminded to enquire about cocaine use when considering drug–drug interactions and […]

Two new articles on the NECS MO website

Two new articles have been uploaded to the NECS MO website.
What to do when prescribers join or leave a GP practice – a reference guide covering which forms need completing if prescribers, both Medical and Non-Medical, move practices.
Useful prescribing information – a guide for prescribers. Covering some common prescribing dilemmas that affect clinicians in practice.