Managing Medicines for Adults receiving Community Social Care – Top Tips

The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) and the Royal College of General Practitioners have collaborated to produce “Top tips for managing […]

AECOPD – CRP testing reduces antibiotic use

The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) have published a Signal highlighting the conclusion of a study published in the […]

Opioids for Persistent Pain – PROMPPT intervention

The National Institute for Health Research are funding a five year research programme to design and test a Proactive clinical Review of […]

ONE YOU – Every Mind Matters

The NHS ONE YOU website has launched an Every Mind Matters toolkit with advice on simple things we can all […]

Polypharmacy – London RMOC Subgroup Report

The Polypharmacy Working Group of the London Regional Medicines Optimisation Committee have published an updated version of their report on […]

Flu – Antiviral Agent Guidance

Public Health England have updated “Guidance on use of antiviral agents for the treatment and prophylaxis of seasonal influenza” in […]

Social Care – Managing medicines

The Royal College of General Practitioners and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society have launched ‘Top tips for managing medicines for adults […]

Medication Non-Adherence in Older Adults – Link to Hospital Admissions & Mortality

A recently published Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of observational studies measuring medication non-adherence as a predictor of a range of […]

HRT Shortages – British Menopause Society Update

The British Menopause Society have published a helpful update on current availability of HRT products in the UK – including […]