Valproate Use in Women & Girls with Childbearing Potential – Pragmatic Guide

Experts from 13 national bodies, including seven Royal Colleges, have joined forces to publish practical guidance to support doctors and […]

Unlicensed Liquid Medicines for Children – use of non-standard strengths

Analysis of prescribing of unlicensed liquid medicines for children across NECS-linked CCGs in the North of England has revealed considerable […]

Standardised Strengths of Unlicensed Liquid Medicines for Children – RCPCH & NPPG Joint Position Statement

The Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health (RCPCH) and the Neonatal & Paediatric Pharmacists Group (NPPG) have published a […]

UKMi SPS Resources to support answering medicines-related questions in primary care – 2019 update

UKMi have updated their guide to Resources to support answering medicines-related questions in primary care. The content remains as described in […]

Supply Issues in Primary Care – Update June 2019

The Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC) Medicines Supply team have published the latest supply issues update for primary & […]

Northern England Clinical Network NOAC Alert Cards – Supplies

Northern England Clinical Network (NECN) Non-Vitamin K Oral Anticoagulant medicines (NOAC) Alert Cards In 2015, NECN Cardiac Rhythm Management subgroup […]

Valproate – NICE guidance summary

NICE have published a summary of guidance and safety advice on use of valproate in children, young people and adults […]

Medicines Supply Continuity – Update on No Deal EU Exit Contingency Plans

The Chief Pharmaceutical Officer for England has written to pharmacists working in and with the NHS in England to update […]

Getting Medication – Government Statement

The Department of Health & Social Care have published a policy paper on access to medicines in the UK – […]