COVID-19 – Ibuprofen Concerns – BBC Reality Check

The BBC Reality Check service have published several “myth-busting” items addressing rumours, theories, misunderstandings and downright falsehoods currently circulating due […]

COVID-19 – Ibuprofen & other NSAIDs

All relevant healthcare professionals working in primary and community care in England should by now have received the Important Information […]

COVID-19 – Pharmacy Regulators’ Statement

The General Pharmaceutical Council and the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland have issued a joint statement on their “Regulatory approach […]

COVID-19- Oxford University Primary Care Resource

The Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences at Oxford University have developed a Coronavirus Analysis and Resources webpage – […]

COVID-19 – Oxford CEBM Evidence Service

The Oxford University Centre for Evidence Based Medicine has launched a new webpage to help provide answers to some of […]

COVID-19 – Medicines Homecare Services

The National Clinical Homecare Association (NCHA) – the trade body representing the majority of organisations providing Clinical Homecare Services on […]

Supply Issues & Shortages – DHSC and NHSE&I Guide

The DHSC and NHSE&I jointly published a Guide to Managing Medicines Supply and Shortages in November 2019. The guide sets […]

COVID-19 – OTC Painkiller Demand Surge

Amid news reports of panic buying of paracetamol, the Executive Director of the Healthcare Distribution Association — the membership organisation […]

COVID-19 – UK Pharmaceutical Industry Response

The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry have today [16/03/20] launched a ‘Responding to COVID-19‘ webpage, with information about the […]