Memos and Alerts
Minor ailment services Facebook storm
Pharmacy minor ailment services have hit the national and regional media headlines courtesy of a post on Facebook claiming that parents can get free Calpol via their local scheme. The RPS and BBC Health Online have published some information to correct the misinformation circulating.
Changes in controlled drug legislation for temazepam and electronic prescribing system (EPS)
From 1st June the current prescription writing exemption applicable to temazepam prescriptions will cease and therefore all temazepam prescriptions will be required to meet full prescription writing requirements as for any other Schedule 2 or 3 controlled drugs.
MHRA drug safety advice: drugs and driving
A new law to make it easier for police to catch and convict drug drivers took effect today in England and Wales. Motorists who get behind the wheel after taking illegal drugs face a criminal record, loss of their licence for at least a year and a fine of up to £5000. The legislation makes it illegal to drive with certain drugs in the body above specified levels, including 8 illegal drugs and 8 prescription drugs. People using prescription drugs within recommended amounts will not be penalised.
Oxycodone liquid prescribing – important information for EMIS practices
A number of incidents have occurred in another Area Team where oxycodone 10mg/ml liquid has been incorrectly selected instead of oxycodone 5mg/5ml. Please ensure vigilance when prescribing oxycodone liquid, particularly using EMIS where the 10mg/ml liquid appears at the top of the pick list.
Repeat Dispensing – changes to the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework
From March 2015 there will be a new requirement for pharmacies to give advice to appropriate patients about the benefits of the repeat dispensing service. As a result of this regulation change practices may start to have increasing number of requests from patients interested in using this service and therefore may wish to consider how they will deal with these requests.
Reminder – different potencies of topical corticosteroids
There have been recent supply problems with Betnovate cream and ointment, including the RD preparation; this may mean that it is necessary to prescribe an alternative product / formulation.
Become an Antibiotic Guardian
Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats facing us today. To slow resistance we need to cut the unnecessary use of antibiotics. November 18th is European Antibiotics Awareness Day. As part of that we’re asking everyone in the UK to become Antibiotic Guardians at
Nitrofurantoin update
Nitrofurantoin is now contraindicated in patients with an eGFR of less than 45ml/min. This is a change to previous guidance issued by the MHRA following a review of the evidence.
Recent changes in controlled drug legislation for tramadol, lisdexamfetamine, zopiclone and zalepon
The following changes will take effect on the 10th June 2014: Tramadol Tramadol will become a schedule 3 Controlled Drug […]