New home oxygen order form, consent form and initial home oxygen mitigation forms
Please be aware that NHS England have recently introduced new forms for use when ordering home oxygen directly from the supplier via home oxygen order forms (HOOFs). It is recommended that patients are referred to the home oxygen assessment and review service (HOS-AR) service for initiation of home oxygen (there is no change to this process). However, if you do need to order it directly via a HOOF, you will also need to:
- complete the new initial home oxygen risk mitigation form (IHORM)
- complete the updated home oxygen consent form (HOCF)
- confirm that you have completed these on the new HOOF
The HOOF can then be sent to the oxygen supplier and the IHORM/HOCF must be filed in the patient’s notes. Click here to view IHORM supporting notes.
Please Note – these changes ONLY apply if you are ordering oxygen via HOOF. Any old forms submitted on, or after, 1st August 2017 will be rejected. If you are referring the patient to the HOS-AR for assessment for home oxygen then there is no change – please continue to use the current referral form.
Links to forms and documents:
- Home Oxygen Order Form (HOOF) (2086 downloads )
- Initial Home Oxygen Risk Mitigation Form (IHORM) and Home Oxygen Consent Form (HOCF) for new patients (2007 downloads )
- Initial Home Oxygen Risk Mitigation Form (IHORM) Supporting Notes (1575 downloads )