Why Asthma Still Kills – National Review of Asthma Deaths (NRAD)

NECS summary of recommendations from NRAD report for GP practices and community pharmacies The NRAD report calls for an end […]

NICE guidance briefings

The following document is designed to give an executive summary of the key points in relation to medicines optimisation arising from NICE guidance.  It […]

NICE Guideline: Antimicrobial stewardship: systems and processes for effective antimicrobial medicine use

‘Antimicrobial stewardship: systems and processes for effective antimicrobial use’ (NG15) provides good practice recommendations on systems and processes for the effective use of antimicrobials. The guideline is aimed at all health and social care practitioners (including GPs, dentists, pharmacists and community nurses), commissioning and provider organisations, and aims to reduce inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics.

The main recommendations are designed to promote and monitor sensible antimicrobial use through stewardship teams to review prescribing and resistance data and to provide feedback, education, and training to prescribers. Specific guidance is given on clinical assessment and documentation of diagnosis, obtaining microbiological samples, delayed prescribing, and taking time to discuss with patients the likely cause of their symptoms.

Inhaler technique elearning

The inhaler technique for health professionals; getting it right has been commissioned by NECS MO with sponsorship funding received from […]

Supply of placebo devices

Placebo inhalers and training devices are available from the majority of inhaler manufacturers to support clinicians and patients with shared […]

Local prescribing guidelines

Cumbria Durham and Darlington North of Tyne South Tyneside Tees

New drug evaluations

New drug evaluations are password protected.  Click here to log in.

Briefing documents

High Strength, Fixed Combination and Biosimilar Insulin Products: Minimising the Risk of Medication Error NECS MO summary document for State […]

NICE guidance

The NICE Guidance; Management of medicines in care homes (March 2014) clearly states how commissioners, managers of care homes and other healthcare professionals involved in care homes should work in a standardised format with clear consideration for process and safety.