Fluoroquinolone antibiotics – Safety Concerns

Fluoroquinolone antibiotics, such as ciprofloxacin, have a limited place in NICE & Public Health England guidance on managing common infections. […]

SGLT2 inhibitors – reports of Fournier’s gangrene

The MHRA have provided the following advice arising from reports of Fournier’s gangrene (necrotising fasciitis of the genitalia or perineum)  […]

Carbimazole – Stronger Advice on Contraception

The MHRA has strengthened advice for healthcare professionals on contraception requirements for women with childbearing potential prescribed carbimazole. The stronger […]

Yellow Card App – Updated & Improved

The MHRA have updated and improved the Yellow Card App for iOS and Android. The App allows users to: Report suspected […]

Tapentadol – Risk of Seizures & Serotonin Syndrome

Following an EU-wide review of safety data and spontaneous reports of serious adverse events, European & UK regulators have strengthened warnings […]

Supply Issues in Primary Care – Update January 2019

The Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC) Medicines Supply team have published the latest update on medicines supply issues […]

Medicines Supply Continuity – Update on No Deal EU Exit Contingency Plans

The Chief Pharmaceutical Officer for England has written to pharmacists working in and with the NHS in England to update […]

Getting Medication – Government Statement

The Department of Health & Social Care have published a policy paper on access to medicines in the UK – […]

UKMi Q&A via SPS – New Resources

UKMi publish a series of Q&A documents on the NHS SPS website, with summaries of high quality, evidence-based, and quality controlled […]