NHS England launches action plan for consultation on eliminating wasteful and ineffective drug prescriptions to save NHS over £190 million a year

Public consultation is being launched on new national guidelines for CCGs on medicines considered of low priority for NHS funding. Guidance states 18 treatments, including homeopathy and herbal treatments, cost taxpayers £141m a year, should generally not be prescribed.

Controlled Drugs: Learning from Incidents February 2017

Issue 6 of controlled Drugs: Learning from Incidents, produced by NECS on behalf of NHS England covers:

Destruction of Controlled Drugs
Examples of suppliers of CD denaturing kits
CD balance checks during external stocktaking
Licensed equivalents for special order CDs

Controlled Drugs: Learning from Incidents November 2016

Issue 5 of the bulletin: Controlled Drugs: Learning from Incidents, produced by NECS on behalf of NHS England covers:

Prescribing and supply of controlled drugs
Advice to Community Pharmacies re the delivery of medicine
Advice for practices re the security of controlled drug prescriptions
NICE Guideline NG46: The safe use and management of controlled drugs

NECS Medicines Optimisation Newsletter November 2016

The Medicines Optimisation newsletter is a collection of news articles which have all recently appeared on the news feed on the NECS Medicines website https://medicines.necsu.nhs.uk.

You can also sign up for RSS updates which deliver news articles straight into your inbox when they are published on the website, and follow us on twitter @necsmedicines for regular updates and links to useful information.

Controlled Drugs: Learning from Incidents July 2016

Controlled Drugs: Learning from Incidents July 2016 – included in this issue:

– Prescribing for Temporary Residents
– CD Incidents Reported on SIRMS January to March 2016
– Common prescribing and dispensing incidents

Controlled Drugs: Learning from Incidents February 2016

This bulletin focuses on medicines for palliative care and what to do with unused medicines when a patient dies

NECS prescribing newsletter January 2016

NECS prescribing newsletter January 2016 Gonorrhoea and antimicrobial resistance TARGET Toolkit and Antimicrobial Stewardship Event – 9 March TARGET antibiotics toolkit […]

TARGET Antibiotics Toolkit newsletter

The TARGET newsletter from PHE contains information on the TARGET toolkit, audits, patient information leaflets and national antibiotic prescribing guidance.

Controlled Drugs: Learning from Incidents October 2015

NECS supports the NHS England Area Team Controlled Drugs Accountable Officer in ensuring the safe management and use of controlled drugs within the North East & Cumbria region. Based on the commonly reported incidents and the lessons learned, we aim to share good practice across the region.