Etoricoxib (Arcoxia): revised dose recommendation for rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis

Prescribing information has been updated to introduce a lower recommended dose of 60 mg daily for patients with rheumatoid arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis.

Free TARGET webinars on antibiotic stewardship

Public Health England (PHE) and the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (BSAC) have worked with primary care colleagues to develop […]

Updated BTS/SIGN British guideline on the management of asthma

An update to the British guideline on the management of asthma has been published.

The update includes complete revision of diagnosis of asthma and major update to pharmacological management as well as revisions to sections on supported self and non-pharmacological management, management of acute asthma, difficult asthma and organisation and delivery of care.

Shared decision making: NICE web resources

A new webpage from NICE details the benefits of shared decision making, and links to current support documents to assist with helping patients make decisions about their care, e.g. patient decision aids (PDAs) and brief decision aids.

Patient decision aids available include:

– Atrial fibrillation: medicines to help reduce your risk of a stroke – what are the options?
– Taking a statin to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke
– Type 2 diabetes in adults: controlling your blood glucose by taking a second medicine – what are your options?

Who is eligible for the 2016 to 2017 shingles vaccine?

Public Health England have produced a quick and easy-to-read reference poster guide for patients showing the ages and dates of […]

Updated PGDs: Influenza (seasonal flu) vaccines and Shingles (Herpes Zoster) vaccine

The Patient Group Directions (PGDs) for Influenza (seasonal flu) vaccines and Shingles (Herpes Zoster) vaccine have been updated and are available to download from the PGD page of the NECS Medicines website (in the resources menu).

MHRA Drug Safety Update September 2016

– Levonorgestrel-containing emergency hormonal contraception: advice on interactions with hepatic enzyme inducers and contraceptive efficacy
– Posaconazole (Noxafil): tablets and oral suspension are not directly interchangeable
– Idelalisib (Zydelig▼): updated indications and advice on minimising the risk of infection
– Letters sent to healthcare professionals in August 2016

New sepsis toolkit designed to support GPs with sepsis identification and treatment

The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP), in partnership with Health Education England and NHS England, has today launched a new sepsis toolkit to support GPs and healthcare professionals to identify and manage the condition in patients.

NICE Bites – Sepsis

NICE Bites summarises key prescribing points from NICE guidance. Sections covered include: assessment and referral, people most vulnerable to sepsis, face to face assessment, treatment and management, antibiotic treatment, intravenous fluids, information and support, information at discharge, training and education.