South Tees
Prevention of Future Death Notice – the EPS system does not highlight urgent prescriptions to pharmacies
“The EPS system does NOT allow urgent prescriptions to be highlighted to the receiving pharmacy when sent from a […]

Electronic repeat dispensing toolkit
Electronic repeat dispensing (eRD) is an integral part of EPS, which offers many extra benefits over paper repeat dispensing and repeat prescribing.
NHS Digital have recently published an Electronic Repeat Dispensing Toolkit, available at which contains useful tools. You can also sign up for some eRD webinars to find out more. The toolkit includes an e-learning package, developed by NECS in conjunction with NHS Digital which can also be accessed through the NECS Medicines website.
Blood Glucose Testing and Implementation of ISO 2013 Accuracy Standards
27 June 2016
A new standard for accuracy of blood glucose testing meters and test strips will be coming into effect on 1st June 2016.
All blood glucose meters must conform to ISO 15197: 2013, and manufacturers will no longer be allowed to supply meters which do not meet these new standards after 31st May 2016.
Smoking cessation and medicines safety concerns
After March 9th 2016 Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust will be a Smoke Free Trust. There is a need to remind healthcare staff on the effect of smoking cessation attempts and psychotropic drug interactions.
Summary of NICE Quality Standards relating to medicines: January 2016
QS112 Gastro-oesophageal reflux in children and young people Infants with frequent regurgitation associated with marked distress have a trial of alginate […]
Name change of Camcolit 250mg tablets
The proprietary (brand) name of “Camcolit 250mg tablets” has changed to “Lithium Carbonate Essential Pharma 250 mg film-coated tablets”, effective from 1st October 2015.
Controlled Drugs: Learning from Incidents October 2015
NECS supports the NHS England Area Team Controlled Drugs Accountable Officer in ensuring the safe management and use of controlled drugs within the North East & Cumbria region. Based on the commonly reported incidents and the lessons learned, we aim to share good practice across the region.
Use of Abasaglar (Biosimilar Insulin Glargine)
The patent for Lantus® (Insulin glargine) has expired and a biosimilar preparation called Abasaglar®, which has a lower cost, has been launched. It has yet to be considered in the Local medicines decision making process, guidance for use with defined patient criteria is pending.
Mirabegron: risk of severe hypertension and associated cerebrovascular and cardiac events
Mirabegron is now contraindicated in patients with severe uncontrolled hypertension; advice about regular monitoring is being introduced because of cases of severe hypertension.