Useful information for Community Pharmacists on the Prescription Tracker

Can’t find a prescription?

We’ve had feedback that patients feel like they’re “caught in the crossfire” when an electronic prescribing goes missing and they feel like they get bounced between the practice and the pharmacy.

The prescription tracker should be the solution to this problem:

Before you contact the GP practice or send the patient back to the surgery, remember you can now use the prescription tracker to search for an electronic prescription. The prescription tracker allows you to check the status and history of electronic prescriptions.

If the prescription cannot be found, then at that point please contact the GP Practice.

Electronic repeat dispensing toolkit

Electronic repeat dispensing (eRD) is an integral part of EPS, which offers many extra benefits over paper repeat dispensing and repeat prescribing.

NHS Digital have recently published an Electronic Repeat Dispensing Toolkit, available at which contains useful tools. You can also sign up for some eRD webinars to find out more. The toolkit includes an e-learning package, developed by NECS in conjunction with NHS Digital which can also be accessed through the NECS Medicines website.

Changes in controlled drug legislation for temazepam and electronic prescribing system (EPS)

From 1st June the current prescription writing exemption applicable to temazepam prescriptions will cease and therefore all temazepam prescriptions will be required to meet full prescription writing requirements as for any other Schedule 2 or 3 controlled drugs.