Cold Chain Guidance 2017

The cold chain guidance for immunisation providers commissioned by NHS England Cumbria and North East Region has been reviewed and updated. The guidance first issued in 2015 now includes more advice relating to temperature monitoring, especially the use of data loggers. It also contains a key points section at the beginning which can be used as an aid memoire. However, please ensure that all staff responsible for cold chain maintenance are familiar with the whole document.

Paracetamol administration with Meningococcal B (Men B) vaccine

On September 1st the new national Meningococcal B (Men B) immunisation programme for infants began. As administration of Men B vaccine when given with other routine primary vaccines often produces a fever, Public Health England recommend that infants are given a 60mg prophylactic dose of paracetamol at the time or soon after vaccination plus two further doses at intervals of 4-6 hours. The advice from PHE is clear that parents / carers are responsible for obtaining and administering the paracetamol and it should not be prescribed.