European Antibiotics Awareness Day and ‘Keep Calm, Antibiotics Aren’t Always the Answer’ campaign

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European Antibiotics Awareness Day (EAAD) is being held on Tuesday 18th November, as part of the UK 5 year antimicrobial resistance strategy which focuses on antibiotics and sets out actions to slow the development and spread of antimicrobial resistance.

The ‘Keep Calm, Antibiotics Aren’t Always the Answer’ campaign will also be launched to practices again in November, with posters and leaflets being sent out from 3rd November. More information on this will follow and will be published on the Medicines Optimisation website.

This year, Public Health England has established the Antibiotic Guardian pledge campaign, which calls on everyone in the UK, the public and medical community to become antibiotics guardians by choosing one simple pledge about how they will make better use of these vital medicines. Click here to find out more about the Antibiotic Guardian pledge.

 Keep Calm antibiotics aren't always the answer logo