Electronic repeat dispensing toolkit

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Electronic repeat dispensing (eRD) is an integral part of EPS, which offers many extra benefits over paper repeat dispensing and repeat prescribing.

  • two-thirds of prescriptions issued in primary care are repeat prescriptions. These repeat prescriptions account for nearly 80 per cent of NHS medicine costs for primary care
  • 410 million repeat prescriptions are generated every year – equivalent to an average of more than 375 per GP per week
  • it’s estimated that up to 330 million, or 80 per cent, of all repeat prescriptions could eventually be replaced with eRD
  • this could save 2.7 million hours of GP and practice time

NHS Digital have recently published an Electronic Repeat Dispensing Toolkit, available at https://digital.nhs.uk/article/913/Electronic-repeat-dispensing-for-prescribers which contains useful tools.  You can also sign up for some eRD webinars to find out more.

The toolkit includes an e-learning package, developed by NECS in conjunction with NHS Digital which can also be accessed through the NECS Medicines website https://medicines.necsu.nhs.uk/education-training/erd-elearning/